Author Archives: John Williams

Monthly Cause – Quarter One 2025 – Espace Diwan

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce the current BLYM Monthly Cause

Espace Diwan

Our current monthly cause is Espace Diwan an ASBL running a house in

Woluwé-St-Lambert, which offers temporary accommodation for asylum seekers. It is supported by volunteers and by contributions from both Woluwé-St-Lambert residents and by us.  More information about Espace Diwan can

be found at their website.





Donations to Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting may be made to:
Account Name: Quakers BLMM
IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895     BIC: ARSP BE22

Donations to a Monthly Cause should be made to the same account, specifying in the bank transfer comments section that the donation is for the “Monthly Cause”. 

Friends are invited to recommend a Monthly Cause for donations. There need to be at least two friends who recommend each Monthly CauseSend your recommendations for a Monthly Cause to the BLYM Fundraiser via our Contact Page.

Make a donation to BLYM Quakers

Please do not hesitate to contact the treasurer if you have any questions.

Caroll Ewen:

Thank you for your generous support this year.

BLYM Residential Yearly Meeting Update 2021

Dear Friends,

The BLYM Residential Yearly Meeting has been postponed until 2022.

Our theme is:

Community, Compassion and Unity

There will be two guest speakers:

Jennifer KavanaghJennifer Kavanagh has been a Quaker for twenty-five years. She lives in London and attends Westminster meeting. Since leaving her publishing career of some thirty years, she has run a community centre in London’s East End, worked with street homeless people and refugees, set up microcredit programmes in London and several African countries, and worked as a research associate for the Prison Reform Trust. She spent many years facilitating conflict resolution workshops for Alternatives to Violence (AVP), both in prison and in the community.

Jennifer is an associate tutor for Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. She gives talks and runs workshops and retreats on aspects of the Spirit-led life. She is the author of two novels, ten books of non-fiction, and two games.

Balancing an active life with a pull towards contemplation is a continuing and fruitful challenge. 

She will present the first session:

 “Existence is an intricately interconnected web of relationships. We share the breath of life and thus we are connected.” (Satish Kumar)

This first session will take the form of a talk: a personal and spiritual overview of the topic of community, compassion and unity. About our uniqueness and diversity, and our interconnectedness, both in our human communities and with the rest of the created world. And how Unity is ultimately found in the Divine, our diversity both embraced by that oneness and an expression of it.

Followed by a time for Q&A 

Edwina PeartEdwina Peart is the diversity and inclusion coordinator for BYM. She has been in post since 2018 and has organised two national gatherings and held many workshops and provided learning opportunities with local and area meetings, committees and staff groups. She has wide and varied experience of equality and justice work in both local and international contexts and has a background in research, education and health. She favours an intersectional approach that prioritises lived experience whilst recognising the constraints of structures and institutions that regulate and mediate modern life.

This is how Edwina describes her individual session:

This session will be interactive and practical. I want to look at what community, compassion and unity (and their absence) looks and feels like in faith groups and the wider society. To do this I will draw on contemporary examples that resonate locally and globally. My current thinking is around refugees, nationality and ethnicity, and covid. Participants will likely be asked to participate in group work, possibly pairs. There will be specific questions/activities probing what Quakers with a faith-based approach can contribute and where they may need help.

They will present two joint sessions:

We will explore in pairs, groups and plenary the themes of community and belonging. What is community? Is it growing or stagnant? Outward-facing and inclusive, or inward-facing and excluding? Where do we belong? Why do we belong? What role does choice, default or intention play? What is the role of others?

Unity: how we can accept our diversity as human beings and embrace our interconnectedness. How we can find the unity of the Divine and express it in our lives.

Games, texts, solo activities, visuals and meditation may be used, Leading into Meeting for Worship.

The weekend will also be an opportunity to meet up with Friends we have not seen for a long time and join in some fun activities.

Anne Stone, Phil Gaskell, Jeannette Delgado-Holdsworth & John Williams

May Cause – The Conscientious Objection Association Turkey

Active sponsor: Carla. Two BLYM members in support: Jude and Richard

Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Turkey is the only member country in the Council of Europe that has not recognised the right of conscientious objection to military service. The state uses many different sanctions to force conscientious objectors to do military service. These sanctions lead to objectors facing arrest warrants, a life-long cycle of prosecutions and imprisonment even a “civil death” which excludes them from social, cultural and economic life.

Conscientious Objectors are still criminalised as draft evaders and a continuous arrest warrant is issued. They often get detained in any ID controls by police/gendarmes due to this arrest warrant. After the first detainment, objectors are given an administrative fine. Every arrest entails a new Article 63 Military Criminal Code procedure, which can result in a sentence from 2 months to 3 years or a fine (which is actually more common). They are forced to live an underground life in order to avoid getting detained/arrested.

The European Court of Human Rights calls the situation conscientious objectors find themselves in “civil death” . (Ulke v. Turkey, application no. 39437/98).

Effect of law on Conscientious Objectors

Turkish Law prevents Conscientious Objectors working in either the public or private sector, as it is a crime to employ a draft evader. Secondly, objectors are forced to be unemployed or work illegally and uninsured. Finally, objectors do not have the right to go to the polls or to be elected in neither local nor general elections.

Deprivations while avoiding new detention

As every arrest entails another criminal case and possibly a prison sentence, objectors have to avoid social, economic, legal, cultural activities like:

  •        Applying for a passport
  •       Going to the police/gendarme even when a victim of a crime or accident
  •       Driving anywhere
  •       Walking in a main avenue/square or any central place
  •       Using public transport stations such as train/bus/metro/ferry
  •       Going to an airport
  •       Visiting a courthouse or prison, even if they are a lawyer
  •        Going to polls for voting

People who have religious or conscientious objections against mandatory military service, are facing life-long repeating prison sentences and deprivation of their civil rights.

Conscripts refusing to join the army, but haven’t declared their conscientious objection are also criminalised and subjected to civil death.

Conscientious Objection Association Turkey (VR-DER)

The Conscientious Objection Association Turkey (VR-DER) is an affiliate of War Resisters International (WRI) in London It is also a member of the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO-EBOC) in Brussels. EBCO’s second Vice President is a representative from Turkey. EBCO members in Belgium are the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA), Mouvement Chrétien Pour La Paix, Mouvement International de la Réconciliation/Internationale des Résistant–e-s á la Guerre, and Service Civil International. Both QCEA and Quakers United Nations Office (QUNO) Geneva hold status as Observateurs permanents / permanent observers.  

See also:

“We, as the Conscientious Objection Association Turkey (VR-DER), aim to document the current situation on the right to conscientious objection in Turkey with the Conscientious Objection Bulletin. The bulletin will be published periodically during the year. The first issue of the bulletin was translated to English and it is now online. We hope that we will increase public awareness of the right to conscientious objection with the help of bulletins which will include applications to our Association, new declarations of conscientious objection and up-to-date information on the court cases of conscientious objectors.”

BLYM Social Evening 30 April

BLYM held another social evening on Friday 30th April 2021. The main part of the evening was Part 2 of the Belgium Quiz, this time including some tough questions on Luxembourg. Thanks go to Richard Condon’s work as Quizmaster and Janice Thompson for the Roadtrip song section and all who contributed to the evening.

The participants also contributed their favourite Roadtrip songs which are available on the Spotify and YouTube playlists below.

We welcome ideas for the next Zoom Social Evening and can’t wait to hold a face to face social event when the easing of COVID restrictions allows.

Leave suggestions on the Contact Us page.

BLYM Monthly Cause April – Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

MSF – (Doctors Without Borders) Operations Centre Belgium (OCB)

For more than three years, MSF OCB has been working with several NGOs such as the Red Cross, Médecins du Monde, Plateforme Citoyenne, and SOS Jeunes in the Humanitarian Hub Brussels (HUB). The goal being to meet the basic needs of those who are excluded from the Belgian welfare system: primarily migrants in transit, but also undocumented people and asylum seekers who do not have real access to the services they need.

As a result of Covid-19, MSF OCB expanded its interventions in Belgium by first setting up an Operations Support Team for Belgium and then a Belgium Mission with a new Head of Mission. In addition to its service with partners in the HUB, the Belgium Mission is addressing medical and psychological needs both for residents and staff in Belgium’s over 1000 nursing/retirement/rest homes, expanding Covid-19 support in homeless shelters, and assisting in the country-wide vaccination effort.

Globalement, en 2021, MSF continue de s’investir activement dans les épidémies (Covid-19, Ebola, malaria), de venir en aide aux victimes de guerres, de conflits, de violences sexuelles, fournir des soins médicaux aux femmes (naissances, contraceptions), aux enfants (vaccinations et soins de base), aux patients atteints du HIV et de tuberculose. MSF continuera également d’apporter une aide médicale aux victimes de tortures et aux migrants.

Conseils de notre BLYM trésorier :

Les personnes qui paient des taxes en Belgique peuvent aussi obtenir une réduction des taxes à concurrence de 40% de leurs dons à MSF Belgium. Donc s’ils versent par exemple 100 EUR, ils récupèrent 40 EUR en déduction fiscale. Le don doit être de 40 EUR minimum sur l’année.

D’un autre côté, s’ils versent à BLYM, le montant est doublé / matché. 

C’est bon à signaler aux Amis. (L’année passé, exceptionnellement la déduction était de 60% mais je ne sais pas si le gouvernement belge a prolongé cette mesure sur 2021).

People who pay taxes in Belgium can also get a tax reduction up to 40% of their donations to MSF Belgium. So if they pay for example 100 EUR, they get 40 EUR back as a tax deduction. The donation must be at least 40 EUR over the year.

On the other hand, if they pay to BLYM the amount is doubled / matched as Dan Flynn is actively working in Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Belgium.

Make a donation to BLYM Quakers

Activités pour les Quakers francophones

Les Quakers francophones se retrouvent souvent soit dans des groupes où la langue majoritairement utilisée est l’anglais, soit isolé(e)s. Ils/elles sont aussi géographiquement éparpillé(e)s sur plusieurs pays (et donc assemblées annuelles) — la France, la Suisse, le Canada, la Belgique, le Luxembourg, le Congo, etc.

Depuis l’arrivée de la pandémie, une poignée de Quakers francophones a fait l’expérience de rencontres en ligne (groupes de discussion, présentations historiques, cultes de partage) destinées aux Quakers dont la langue maternelle est le français. Pour le moment, ce sont essentiellement les membres des groupes Quakers de Toulouse et de Genève qui organisent ces activités. Cependant, pour que ces événements fleurissent, il faut informer et attirer des Quakers francophones d’autres régions. 

Dans un premier temps, je me suis proposée pour évaluer l’intérêt pour des activités virtuelles en français parmi les Quakers en Belgique et Luxembourg. Si cela vous intéresse, pourriez-vous m’envoyer un mail en indiquant si vous aimeriez:
1) Être informé(e) des activités en ligne pour les Quakers francophones
2) Éventuellement organiser des activités en ligne en français pour les Quakers francophones

Pour information:
Les Quakers de Genève vont organisersur Zoom le mercredi, 17 mars 2021 entre Quaker House, Geneva18h30 et 20h, un culte de recueillement de 30 minutes suivi d’une discussion d’une heure en français et en anglais du “lexique Quaker” (les termes et les méthodes Quakers). Ouvert à tout le monde. Détails à suivre.

Les Quakers de Toulouse vont organiser, également sur Zoom, une discussion uniquement en français le dimanche, 4 avril 2021 de 9h30 à 10h20 sur “comment vivez-vous la spiritualité avec les autres”. Malheureusement, ceci est est limité à 12 personnes, de préférences des francophones qui ont découvert le Quakerisme récemment. Si cela vous intéresse, veuillez contacter Les Quakers de Toulouse pour réserver votre place et obtenir les codes d’accès.



BLYM Quakers Social Evening: Belgian Quiz Night

We held a Quiz Night titled  “BLYM Belgian pub quiz (without the pub)” on Friday 5th March 2021. Richard hosted, asked the questions and then explained the answers, in English, Dutch and French. We thank Richard for making the night welcoming in three different languages and for bringing the proceedings to life. The quiz explored our knowledge of Belgium posing questions about cuisine, some culture, art and a little politics and history. We discovered some of the more entertaining aspects of this little country. Many of us enjoyed the evening after being locked down for so long.

Jan’s knowledge of his home country seems to be excellent and he was duly declared the winner. He is the one setting the pace for the next quiz.

Quiz nights are an opportunity to meet up socially, albeit on Zoom. It is hoped that we can run more social evenings, which will for the time being will be hosted on Zoom. We long to be able to meet up in person in the not too distant future.

We hope to hold another quiz night in the next few weeks. If you have any entertaining questions (preferably not too difficult) about Belgium that you’d be happy to donate to the social cause, then please forward them to any of the BLYM Oversight Group, namely Jeanette, Janice or John

Suggestions for other types of social evenings that we can arrange using Zoom will also be very welcome. Please contact one of the Oversight Group with your thoughts and ideas or leave a comment below.

Belgium and Luxembourg Quakers Monthly Cause March 2021

The Belgium and Luxembourg Quakers Monthly Cause for March 2021will be Friends House Moscow. Working in Russia and its neighbouring countries, it is an initiative of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). It’s mission is to foster Quaker spiritual values. Friends House Moscow provides training in alternatives to violence and conflict resolution, promotes alternatives to military service, protects the rights of underprivileged groups and individuals and supports seekers interested in Quaker Faith and Practice. Friends House Moscow also conducts outreach in the Russian language.

Friends House Moscow

We invite Friends (members and attenders) to recommend a Monthly Cause in order to receive matching funds from the Meeting. 

Matching funds will only be available for causes in which members or attenders are actively involved. These members should be taking part in the activities or projects of the Cause. Please send your recommendations to the BLYM Fundraiser.

The account details for Donations to Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting are:

  • Account Name: Quakers BLMM
  • IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895     BIC: ARSP BE22

A Donation to any Monthly Cause you can made to the same account. but please specify in the bank transfer comments section that the donation is for the “Monthly Cause”.

We encourage recommendations for April 2021 and beyond.

If you would like to donate to the Belgium and Luxembourg Yearly Meeting funds. you will find more information on our donations page .

BLYM Quaker Monthly Cause February 2021

Fondación Superemos, Nicaragua

Fondacion Surperemos

The Fondación provides Skills training mainly for women and adolescents, preventive medicine and medical delegations, Intervention, Change and Education Service addressing domestic violence, music education for children, and secondary education for adults.  

Friends (members and attenders) are invited to recommend a Monthly Cause to receive matching funds from Meeting. 

Matching funds are used only for causes in which members or attenders are actively involved, taking part in activities or projects of the Cause. Recommendations should be sent to the BLYM Fundraiser at 

Donations to Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting may be made to:

Account Name: Quakers BLMM

IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895     BIC: ARSP BE22

Donations to any Monthly Cause to receive matching funds from Meeting should be made to the same account, specifying in the bank transfer comments section that the donation is for the “Monthly Cause”.

To donate to the Belgium and Luxembourg Yearly Meeting funds Click Here

Thoughts During Corona Time

These texts were written during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic – an unprecedented time of loss. Millions of people around the world lost loved ones, many have lost their livelihoods and most of us lost the freedom to live our lives as normal. But many of us also found more time to reflect on our lives, our priorities and what a better future might look like.

We all had to adapt to unprecedented circumstances and Friends have been no exception. We moved to virtual forms of gathering which brought unexpectedly positive experiences but also challenges of worshipping via technological tools.

All of these experiences have inspired this collection of writings and we hope that it will grow.

If you wish to share one or all of the texts with friends, please contact the Clerk of BLYM ( out of courtesy to those whose texts they are.

Should you feel moved to share your own experiences, please contact the Clerk likewise.