Tag Archives: Quiz

BLYM Social Evening 30 April

BLYM held another social evening on Friday 30th April 2021. The main part of the evening was Part 2 of the Belgium Quiz, this time including some tough questions on Luxembourg. Thanks go to Richard Condon’s work as Quizmaster and Janice Thompson for the Roadtrip song section and all who contributed to the evening.

The participants also contributed their favourite Roadtrip songs which are available on the Spotify and YouTube playlists below.

We welcome ideas for the next Zoom Social Evening and can’t wait to hold a face to face social event when the easing of COVID restrictions allows.

Leave suggestions on the Contact Us page.

BLYM Quakers Social Evening: Belgian Quiz Night

We held a Quiz Night titled  “BLYM Belgian pub quiz (without the pub)” on Friday 5th March 2021. Richard hosted, asked the questions and then explained the answers, in English, Dutch and French. We thank Richard for making the night welcoming in three different languages and for bringing the proceedings to life. The quiz explored our knowledge of Belgium posing questions about cuisine, some culture, art and a little politics and history. We discovered some of the more entertaining aspects of this little country. Many of us enjoyed the evening after being locked down for so long.

Jan’s knowledge of his home country seems to be excellent and he was duly declared the winner. He is the one setting the pace for the next quiz.

Quiz nights are an opportunity to meet up socially, albeit on Zoom. It is hoped that we can run more social evenings, which will for the time being will be hosted on Zoom. We long to be able to meet up in person in the not too distant future.

We hope to hold another quiz night in the next few weeks. If you have any entertaining questions (preferably not too difficult) about Belgium that you’d be happy to donate to the social cause, then please forward them to any of the BLYM Oversight Group, namely Jeanette, Janice or John

Suggestions for other types of social evenings that we can arrange using Zoom will also be very welcome. Please contact one of the Oversight Group with your thoughts and ideas or leave a comment below.