- Everyone is welcome.
- Childcare can be provided by prior arrangement: please contact the Clerking Circle.
- Please note that the Meeting Room is on the first floor and is accessed by stairs.
- Please arrive at Quaker House by 10.50.
On the first Sunday of each month we also have:
- Bring and Share lunch at around 12.30.
To get in touch please use the contact form.
We zijn van een maandelijkse samenkomst op woensdagavond naar twee ontmoetingen per maand gegaan. Hiervan één op wonsdagavond en de ander op zondagmiddag. Vrienden van onze regelmatige deelnemers gaan in op de uitnodiging om ons op zondagmiddag te vergezellen. Gelieve contact op te nemen met quakersgent@aol.com
Quakers in Gent usually hold Meeting for Worship on one Sunday per month in Gent-, and one Monday per month in Antwerp. We welcome visitors. Contact quakersgent@aol.com
Quakers in Luxembourg usually hold Meeting for Worship on the last Sunday of the month, from January to June and September to November. We welcome visitors.
Meetings are held at 11.00 in the home of a Ffriend.
We are sometimes able to hold an additional Meeting for Worship on another Sunday, or are obliged to meet on a different Sunday than the last of the month. If you are planning to join us for Worship, please contact us during the week before, for confirmation that Meeting will be held. For further information, please contact Quakers.lux@gmail.com
All Quaker and non Quakers are welcome to join our in person or our online meetings for worship. You will need a link for Zoom and a password which is provided in the email notifications of upcoming Meetings for Worship. If you aren’t on the mailing list send a request via the Contact Form on this site or email onlineblym@duck.com