We offer BLYM various different opportunities to join a Meeting for Worship or time to chat. These Meetings offer an opportunity for anyone unable to attend one of our groups Gent, Brussels and Luxembourg to join together in worship:
Sunday Online Meeting for Worship – from 10:30 to 11:15 CET
If you are not on the BLYM email list you will need the login and password for these Zoom meetings. You are most welcome to join our Meetings. Please contact the Clerking Clerk.
The meeting will try to provide translation from English to French and from French to English.
If you’d like to know how an online Meeting for Worship works, this page by Woodbrooke.
We suggest that if you do not know Zoom, you log on some 10 minutes prior to the start time so as to iron out any technical issues you might have.
We welcome visitors at all our meetings.
Other Online Meetings for Worship
From Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
Join us for 30 minutes online worship every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. We use Adobe Connect for our Wednesday and Friday worship and Zoom for our new Sunday and Thursday worship.
Wednesday at 09:30 (GMT) 10:30 (CET) 11:30 (EET) 04:30 (ET)
Thursday (1 hour) at 11:00 (GMT) 12:00 (CET) 13:00 (EET) 07:00 (ET)
Thursday at 19:30 (GMT) 20:30 (CET) 21:30 (EET) 14:30 (ET)
Friday at 13:00 (GMT) 14:00 (CET) 15:00 (EET) 08:00 (ET)
Sunday (1 hour) at 10:30 (GMT) 11:30 (CET) 12:30 (EET) 03:30 (ET)
Sunday at 19:30 (GMT) 20:30 (CET) 21:30 (EET) 14:30 (ET)
Sunday Meeting for Worship – this will be held on Sundays from 10h30 to 11h15. We have agreed to hold the Meeting slightly earlier than our normal Meeting for Worship so as to enable those who wish to attend the Woodbrooke Meeting at 11h30.
Below you can find details of how to log on via zoom and the link to use (always the same link so save it somewhere that will be easy to find). We suggest that if you do not know zoom, you log on some 10 minutes prior to the start time of 10h30 so as to iron out any technical issues you might have.