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Monthly Cause

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce the new BLYM Monthly Cause

Diwan House

Sponsors: Dan Flynn. The Active Sponsor is Carla Goffi, Member, Belgium and Luxembourg Yearly Meeting. 

Dear Ffriends,

We are pleased to announce Diwan House as the Belgium and Luxembourg Yearly Meeting (BLYM) Monthly Cause starting 1 March and continuing as the Monthly Cause until further notice.

Diwan House, A.S.B.L.  siège sociale à Avenue Georges Henri 124 à 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Bruxelles, provides emergency accommodation for migrants.

It has perennially been the most supported BLYM Monthly Cause. 

This Cause is supported by other BLYM members/attenders, some of whom have placed a standing order with their bank for automatic monthly donations directly to Diwan House. 

Donations to Diwan House can be made to:

Quakers BLMM, IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895, BIC: ARSP BE22

Please write “Monthly Cause” in the bank transfer comments section to distinguish the donation from donations intended for general Meeting expenses.

This has no impact on the BLYM budget as donations are not matched by Meeting and are transferred by the BLYM Treasurer on a monthly basis directly to the Diwan House bank account.

Donations to Diwan House can also be made through its website and also directly to its bank account: IBAN: BE59 0689 3244 1526 dont le titulaire est “Soutien Hébergement aux migrants WSL” et avec la communication “don asbl Espace Diwan” – BIC: GKCCBEBB

For donations in cash that may be made for the Monthly Cause at any of BLYM’s three local meetings when they are able to meet face-to-face in Brussels, Ghent, or Luxemburg, the local meetings are asked if they would collect the cash and transfer the amount to the Quaker BLMM bank account noted above.

For further information about Diwan House, please consider joining its Facebook page, Espace Diwan ASBL, a private group with currently 117 members if you have not already done so:

Ce Facebook est celui de l’ASBL “Espace Diwan”. L’association développe, principalement à partir du territoire de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, des actions en faveur des personnes migrantes, avec une attention particulière à celles ne disposant pas d’aides légales. L’association pourra notamment développer les actions suivantes : soutien à des hébergements individuels ou collectifs de personnes migrantes, organisation d’accueils collectifs de personnes migrantes, actions de sensibilisation à la situation des personnes migrantes et aux questions de migrations, actions d’éducation permanente, collaborations avec d’autres associations actives sur des thématiques similaires, aides diverses aux personnes migrantes, etc. Toutes ces actions s’inscrivent dans la perspective globale d’un changement des politiques migratoires et des représentations autour de la migration, afin de permettre un accueil et une intégration dignes des personnes migrantes sur le territoire belge, et plus largement en Europe, quel que soit leur statut. Ce changement suppose un engagement de nombreuses parties prenantes aux différents niveaux de pouvoir, dont le niveau communal, niveau à partir duquel l’association sera active.

Donations to Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting may be made to:

Account Name: Quakers BLMM

IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895     BIC: ARSP BE22

Donations to a Monthly Cause should be made to the same account, specifying in the bank transfer comments section that the donation is for the “Monthly Cause”. 

Friends are invited to recommend a Monthly Cause for donations. There need to be at least two friends who recommend each Monthly CauseSend your recommendations for a Monthly Cause to the BLYM Fundraiser via our Contact Page.

Make a donation to BLYM Quakers

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Daniel Clarke Flynn, BLYM fundraiser

Mobile: +32 474 710 173 


Thank you for your generous support this year.

Monthly Cause for December

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce the BLYM Monthly Cause for December –

Brummana High School, Lebanon

Sponsors: Dan Flynn.

The Monthly Cause for December 2021 is described below in English and in an attached pdf in French. 

It will not be a matched-donation cause because this year’s Meeting budget for matching has been spent. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Daniel Clarke Flynn, BLYM fundraiser

Mobile: +32 474 710 173 


Thank you for your generous support this year.

BLYM Monthly Cause for December 2021

A worthy cause for Belgium and Luxembourg Yearly Meeting support that I discovered in talking with representative Dieudonné Bisibo Alimasi, M.D. of the Baraka Quaker Meeting, Ville de Baraka, Province du Sud-Kivu, République Démocratique du Congo/Democratic Republic of the Congo. Below is an explanation in English and attached is a more complete explanation in French.


Commune d’Ibanda, Q Ndendere, Sis Avenue Maniema N°50 

Tel: +243853497309, +243811708300, +243998625794 


The Centre Kitumaini (CK) is a non-governmental development organization with an operating license from the Justice Division of South Kivu Province, with a temporary authorization of operation from the Governorate of the Province of South Kivu, and F.92 / 26181 from the Ministry of Justice, Keeper of the Seals and Humans Rights from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Our Goals

The objective of the Centre Kitumaini is to support the well-being and facilitate the emotional recovery of the target population living in peri-urban and rural areas of South Kivu province. These processes of recovery build on the strengths of both individuals and communities. It is about renewing social capital through the consolidation of social cohesion, in a specific post-conflict context.

The different strategies used by the Centre Kitumaini to achieve these aims include:

1.    Awareness sessions for conflict victims and survivors, especially women, which assist the physical, psychological, and economic recovery.

2.    Special attention to children affected by conflicts with social, moral, and economic support.

3.    Development of income generating activities inside each community, primarily through sustainable agriculture.

4.    Strategic regional and sub-regional partnerships with other actors for a better coordination and networking action.

Contact Us

Contacts for the Kitumaini Centre:
Pierre Lokeka, Project Coordinator
Mme. Nadine Bakenga


Account N°: 1201-6700701-37 centre kitumaini asbl
    (Bukavu Agency, South Kivu, RDCONGO) 

Donations to Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting may be made to:

Account Name: Quakers BLMM

IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895     BIC: ARSP BE22

Donations to a Monthly Cause should be made to the same account, specifying in the bank transfer comments section that the donation is for the “Monthly Cause”. 

Friends are invited to recommend a Monthly Cause for donations. There need to be at least two friends who recommend each Monthly CauseIf one or more of those Friends is actively involved in the organisation concerned (e.g. taking part in activities or projects etc.), Meeting will match the amount donated during the month; this means that the amount sent to the organisation will be doubled.

Make a donation to BLYM Quakers

Send your recommendations for a Monthly Cause to the BLYM Fundraiser via our Contact Page.

Monthly Cause for June

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce the BLYM Monthly Cause for June –

Brummana High School, Lebanon

Sponsors: Paul Holdsworth, Anne Stone, Ruth Harland.

Quaker history and traditions at Brummana High School:



From the Principal David Gray

Dear Friends

Brummana High School is the British School of Lebanon, the last Quaker educational institution in the country. Founded in 1873, it has been a beacon of light in times of perennial crisis in the country attracting students of all faiths and backgrounds. Its diversity of school population and its promotion of tolerance and peaceful resolution have been central to its strengths as a place of academic excellence and pastoral compassion at the heart of a holistic educational experience since its foundation.

The August the 4th explosion in Beirut, which ripped out the heart of the city, rendered 300,000 people homeless and killed and maimed thousands, brought to the attention of the world a country which was floundering amidst a sea of troubles. Little Lebanon, surrounded by war torn and impoverished Syria, from which it has received over a million refugees, and Israel, did not have its problems to seek.

In the past 12 months the Lebanese Lira has lost 90% of its value, inflation is rampant, unemployment runs at 50% and 60% of the population lives below the poverty line. And of course, COVID-19, which has raged out of control in a country which has operated without a  government for over a year, has taken its toll on a weary, exhausted, and despairing people. Businesses have closed, schools are physically closed, and those who have had the capacity to leave the country have done so for a better life elsewhere.

Yet Lebanon is a beautiful place and a jewel in the Middle Eastern crown, once the home of Middle Eastern banking and free enterprise and still a champion of education as a means to prosperity and to success. At the centre of this jewel lies Brummana High School.  It has, through the promotion of Quaker Values of individuality, respect for others, tolerance and peaceful resolution, turned out generations of national leaders, presidents and prime ministers across the Middle East, as well as leaders of the professions across the globe.

Today it is running a comprehensive education and welfare programme online for its 1250 strong population, aged three to 18, continuing to promote its Quaker values and striving to provide for its families who have been hit hard by all of Lebanon’s woes, through its beleaguered, financial aid scheme. Yet while it offers a beacon of hope to its student population (in April it staged a brilliant Model United Nations Conference online, delivered exclusively by its own students, over a two-day weekend for over 170 student delegates from six countries and 26 schools), it is struggling to provide as it needs to. Projecting a one million dollar loss this year, which it is determined to weather, the short term future looks bleak. Yet Lebanon is often described as “a cork in water”, always unstable, yet invariably afloat, and the country will survive this storm as it has done in the past, God willing.

And the school will continue to produce top quality human beings determined to make a difference in their troubled world. They are Lebanon’s future, and we need to protect their tomorrows by giving them the very best education available at Brummana High School today.

You can assist the school by making a donation which will, however small, help to save the education of a child whose future depends on your generosity and who will, through the Quaker education provided, be able to begin to mend the broken society which is so desperately evident in the country today. Without your support for bursaries, many children who could do much will miss out and flounder where otherwise they might flourish.

David Gray, Principal

Find out more about our work by following the Quaker International Educational Trust’s (QuIET) Facebook page

and the School’s web site

Donations to Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting may be made to:

Account Name: Quakers BLMM

IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895     BIC: ARSP BE22

Donations to a Monthly Cause should be made to the same account, specifying in the bank transfer comments section that the donation is for the “Monthly Cause”. 

Friends are invited to recommend a Monthly Cause for donations. There need to be at least two friends who recommend each Monthly CauseIf one or more of those Friends is actively involved in the organisation concerned (e.g. taking part in activities or projects etc.), Meeting will match the amount donated during the month; this means that the amount sent to the organisation will be doubled.

Make a donation to BLYM Quakers

Send your recommendations for a Monthly Cause to the BLYM Fundraiser via our Contact Page.