Quaker resources


Advices and Queries
These small booklets are available on the table in the Meeting Room and online. They provide a concise explanation of the Quaker way.

Quaker libraryA small lending library of books about Quakerism and related topics is located in the dining room of Quaker House, Square Ambiorix 50, 1000 Brussels. The majority of books are in English, although some are in Dutch, French and German. The library catalogue is available online.

The Quaker Centre Bookshop, located in Friends House at 173-177 Euston Road in London, sells a wide variety of books and pamphlets about Quakerism. Books may be purchased from the shop or ordered online.

Quaker Books of the Friends General Conference sells many Quaker materials not available in Europe in their online shop. Their shop website is itself a wonderful introduction to the range of books and other materials of value to Quakers.

Pendle Hill Pamphlets are short essays on a variety of Quaker topics. The online list provides a one-page description of each pamphlet. Many older pamphlets are available free in PDF form from the Pendle Hill website.


Becoming Friends: Living & Learning with Quakers is a flexible, self-study course for those new to Quakers. The course can either be completed online or with a paper workbook. It can be done alone or with a companion, working at one’s own pace. Topics explored include Quaker history, beliefs, daily living and experiences of God. The online course also includes a lively discussion forum. You may explore Becoming Friends with a free demonstration course before registering for the full online course (five pounds) or purchasing the paper version (ten pounds). One copy of the paper workbook is available in the meeting library.

“A Very Short Introduction to Quakerism” is a series of seven 60 minute talks from Ben Pink Dandelion available for download as podcasts. Topics include Quaker history, worship, witness, theology and the future of Quakerism. Highly recommended!


London Quakers sponsor many interesting talks which are often made available for online listening as streaming audio or to download as podcasts.

Pendle Hill, the American Quaker study centre, holds regular lectures that are often made available as podcasts. Talks represent the full diversity of Quakerism present in the United States. To subscribe, click on the “podcast – subscribe in i-tunes” button towards the bottom of the Pendle Hill home page.


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