Monthly Cause – Quarter One 2025 – Espace Diwan

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce the current BLYM Monthly Cause

Espace Diwan

Our current monthly cause is Espace Diwan an ASBL running a house in

Woluwé-St-Lambert, which offers temporary accommodation for asylum seekers. It is supported by volunteers and by contributions from both Woluwé-St-Lambert residents and by us.  More information about Espace Diwan can

be found at their website.





Donations to Belgium and Luxemburg Yearly Meeting may be made to:
Account Name: Quakers BLMM
IBAN: BE76 9794 2781 7895     BIC: ARSP BE22

Donations to a Monthly Cause should be made to the same account, specifying in the bank transfer comments section that the donation is for the “Monthly Cause”. 

Friends are invited to recommend a Monthly Cause for donations. There need to be at least two friends who recommend each Monthly CauseSend your recommendations for a Monthly Cause to the BLYM Fundraiser via our Contact Page.

Make a donation to BLYM Quakers

Please do not hesitate to contact the treasurer if you have any questions.

Caroll Ewen:

Thank you for your generous support this year.