The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Belgium & Luxembourg
Since the 1650s, Quakers have witnessed to their belief that true religion is a personal inward experience, a direct link with God and a consequent transformation of everyday life.
We know that there is ‘that of God’ in everyone.
While many Quakers would still see themselves as essentially Christian, others would say that they look for the truth in many different religious traditions, or none.
Our diversity is gathered in the stillness of our silent Meeting for Worship.
Please use the menu to find information about:
FWCC: Quakers around the World
Monthly Cause – Q4 2023
Dear Friends, We are pleased to announce the current BLYM Monthly Cause Support of Conscientious Objectors and Deserters from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus For September-December, our monthly cause will be the three organisations in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus that support conscientious objectors and deserters in their countries, often under very difficult circumstances. In June, the Russian Movement…
Better understanding the Israel Palestine conflict and recent events
We have all been shocked and moved by the current situation in Gaza. BLYM does not wish to make a public statement on this situation at the current time but simply to try to gain a better understanding . Here are some links that Friends have suggested:
BLYM and Conscientious Objection
“We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fighting with outward weapons, for any end or under any pretence whatsoever.” – Declaration made to Charles II in 1660 What unites us as Quakers? Spiritual insights, often called “testimonies”, tend to unite Quakers worldwide. They spring from deep experience and have been reaffirmed by successive…